All About Artificial Disc Replacement
If you have trouble bending or mobility in general, then your back may be the culprit. Having a bad back is very common and can have lasting damage if left untreated. Millions of people are taking pain medications or doing alternative methods like yoga to suppress the pain in their back. And while keeping your weight at an acceptable level and doing back stretches daily will help, you may ultimately have a bad disc that needs to be replaced. Artificial disc replacement may be something that you need to speak with your doctor or about. He can examine you to see if the discs in your spine are healthy. Read on to discover more about this subject and what to do about it.
What Is Artificial Disc Replacement?
It is a surgery designed to replace a diseased or damaged disc in the spine usually located in the lower back lumbar area or the neck cervical area. The discs are replaced with man made discs that allow you more mobility and freedom of movement.
Benefits of Disc Replacement?
The surgery is meant to decrease pain and improve mobility in patients with cervical disc disease. When you have this disease it is very painful and lifting anything heavy is almost out of the question. Having a bad disc in your spine takes away your quality of life and offers little to no hope for improvement without surgery.
How Will My Spine Improve After Disc Replacement?
Recovery usually happens quickly. You will be in the hospital about 24 hours after surgery. Your doctor will recommend rest and taking it easy for a few days, but you will also see a noticeable difference in improved mobility within a few days.
What Is The Cost Of Artificial Disc Replacement?
The cost for Artificial Disc Replacement from your is usually between thirty five thousand to forty five thousand dollars. Check with your insurance company to see if they will pay the cost. Remember that your quality of life may be dependent upon having this surgery.
This are many of the basic things you will need to know about Artificial Disc Replacement. Speak with your doctor or about this type of surgery. Discuss your goals and plans before, during and after surgery. Find someone supportive to be with you while in surgery and afterwards if there are any complications. Asking the right questions will put your mind at ease and improve your chances for success in surgery.