Why Consider IV Vitamin Therapy For Your Health and Wellness?
Popularized by celebs like Rihanna, Chrissy Teigen, and Kendall Jenner among others, IV vitamin therapy is a regenerative therapy that not only improves wellness but also treats a wide range of conditions including neurodegenerative disorders such as spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, and tendon rupture, which is one of the side effects of fluoroquinolones. This alternative therapy is typically used in conjunction with other IV nutrition and regenerative therapies especially when you’re suffering from an underlying condition. Those with a gastrointestinal disorder that prevents proper absorption of nutrients can also benefit from IV vitamin drip.
If you are a LA resident and you want to take advantage of it, you should consider a trusted facility that specializes in IV vitamin therapy Los Angeles wide, and more importantly, where the IV drip is administered by a board-certified medical doctor. Regenerative Medicine LA is one of the few IV drip clinics in Los Angeles where IV vitamin therapy is actually provided by a board-certified internal medicine doctor. Dr. Mark Ghalili, DO is a renowned and well-respected physician and regenerative medicine specialist who will first consult you to determine the right IV vitamin therapy for you.
The benefits of IV vitamin therapy range from increased wellness and energy levels, improved athletic recovery, and enhanced beauty to rapid hangover relief and the treatment of a variety of symptoms and conditions. Your regenerative medicine doctor will create a customized IV vitamin drip plan for you, depending on your specific needs. For instance, you may need an Immune Boost IV drip if you have immune deficiencies or an Iron Infusion IV if you’re an iron-deficient vegan. Glutathione IV is a great way to incorporate this super powerful antioxidant with anti-aging properties into your wellness routine.
Keep in mind that IV vitamin therapy offers instant and 100% absorption of nutrients ( compared to oral vitamins that offer only 40-80%) because it delivers vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly to your bloodstream so that your body can immediately use them. If you’re interested in reaping the multiple benefits of this regenerative therapy, feel free to get in touch with Regenerative Medicine LA, a world-class facility that offers IV vitamin therapy Los Angeles-wide by calling 855-537-7836 or by filling the contact form on regenerativemedicinela.com to book an appointment with Dr. Mark Ghalili, DO and see how this increasingly popular regenerative therapy can help you regain your health and well-being. House calls are also available for LA residents and you can book your VIP concierge IV drip online or by phone at 310-295-9403.